checkered tile RSS

black and white floor, checkerboard tile, checkerboard tile floor, checkered floor, checkered tile, Checkered tile floor -

The checkerboard floor trend is blossoming into one of the coolest trends of 2023 — and we suspect heading into 2024. Surprisingly, this classic design element can be incorporated into any interior design style you can think of!

We'll show you examples to use as inspiration, as well as the history of the checkered design to show you why it is, indeed, a big deal.

Black and white checkerboard tile floor in a bright room with glass French double doors

Photo: design by roman and williams | photo by yoshihiro makino | via architectural digest

What style is checkered flooring?

Checkered flooring (or checkerboard flooring), is modernly used in French country or European cottage design, but its use has extended far into the past before our single-family homes of the 21st century.

We recognize pink and green checkered tile in a kitchen to be the quintessential American 1950s diner, but what about a few thousand years earlier than that?

Cottage dining table with wood paneled walls and ceiling and a black and white checkered floor

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