Top 10 Reasons to Get a New Uber Door Front Door
Sometimes we all just need a little humor. Here are Uber Doors, we have a great sense of humor. But seriously…you really should get a new door and here are the top 10 reasons why…
1. The Beverly Hillbilly Door is so…Pass Say
“Uncle Jeb called and said you have his front door, please give it back and get your own. Thanks”
2.The Zombie Apocalypse
You never know when the “Walking Dead” are going to call on you, so you better make sure your front door is awesome and will keep out the undead.
3. Spring is in the Air
Isn’t it time for a change? You change your purse and outfits with the seasons why not your door?
4. Your Friends Just Got a New Door and You Should Too
When you see your friends enjoying the upgraded look of their homes and increasing it’s value; you realize that this might be a great idea. Your friends are all getting new doors, you should too! Just Saying.
5. Jane Did Not Get a New Door, Don’t be Like Jane
Cue…the giant hairy beast crashing through the door. Taz says you need a new door.
6. You Have Just Entered the Twilight Zone
Imagine a world with all new front doors, where people actually like their new door so much they rub it with a diaper. Doors gleam in the fresh new sunlight…da da da da …da da da da (can you not hear the Twilight Zone music?)
7. Unless You Enjoy High Heating and Cooling Bills?
When your door is this bad…duh, you need a new door.
8. I Love My Old Rusty Door…Said No One Ever
There is a time a place for shabby sheik and rustic looks but let’s be real here folks, isn’t it time for a new door?
9. That Dream You Had Where You Couldn’t Get Your Door to Shut and Someone Was Chasing You…Yeah That One
You are running through the woods and panic is setting in, you know there is someone chasing you. Suddenly, you are at your house and your try with all of your might to get your front door to shut and lock…he is coming to get you, you can do it. To no avail, your door just won’t latch, the frame is too big. You wake up with the thought” okay, it is time to get a new front door.”
10. Your Old Door is Going to Make the Best Pinterest Project Ever, It’s All the Rage

Click on this image for 20 simple and creative ideas of ways you can re-purpose your old front door!
Get the old banged up door off the hinges and add some fun stacks of old books for legs and tile the top of it, antique the finish and VOILA ,you have a new coffee table…but wait, now you need a new front door.
All kidding aside, maybe it really is time for you to get a new front door from Uber doors. Their selection is excellent and with such a wide variety of looks and finishes you will find exactly what you are looking for.
Images courtesy of pinterest, johnsoninteriordesignblog,,,,,,, and
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